Thursday, October 23, 2008

I hate thinking of titles

Well, so much for goals.  I meant well the last time when I promised more consistent writings, I really did.  I was going to tell the tale of how my nephew Wes was born several weeks before he was actually due to emerge and how that birth coincided with a massive overhaul of my parents house and how my brother-in-law had to move to Philly shortly after the birth.  But too much time has past and the story isn't even cool anymore.

So here I sit in History 202, bored out of mind, typing in my blog.  History is fascinating subject that most teachers have learned how to suck the very life out of.  Now it's not all that bad all the time.  For instance, today we have been talking about John Locke and Rousseau, both early 19th Century philosophers.  That was fun because the whole time I was debating on whether or not to raise my hand and say, "Did you know John Locke and Rousseau are characters on Lost?"  In the end I decided not to.  That sentiment would have been lost on my professor.  He just wouldn't get how significant that is.  

Over the past couple of weeks I have had a cool experience.  I have been working on a film that is being shot at the LDS Motion Picture Studio.  That has been a lot of fun in spite of early mornings and long days coupled with spastic shifts in weather.  The project is a very small one (it's just a 15ish minute student film) but it has been a learning experience nonetheless.  If you ever think the Hollywood-types have it easy, spend one 12 hour day on set.  I think you'll find your thinking was quite silly.

Besides that, life goes on as fantastic as usual.  I have a blast with my roommates.  Poor Scott gets the brunt of most of our pranks as you can see by the picture below with his bed on top of his desk and dresser.  Life is good, the laughs are frequent and the food is above average.  Until next time!