Tuesday, May 5, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Marvel Mutants Meander in Mediocrity

Well I waited anxiously.  I watched trailers.  I even went to a midnight showing.  Was it worth it?  No.  Not at all.  A movie that was so hyped and anticipated should have been good.  A movie that took about three years to get made should have been great.  A movie with this cast of characters should have been mindblowing.  The special effects should have been flawless.  The story should have been intriguing.  A lot of things should have been.  Alas, they were not to be.

The film follows the early life (lives) of one of the favorite X-Men, James Logan "Logan" "Wolverine".  Already you're probably confused, as was I, since he has like 15 names in the movie.  Wolverine has long been a favorite because he has a cool history (he's lived since the 1800s and fought in every major war, since he can't be killed).  This history would have been cool to see, but instead they just showed about a minute and a half of him in the Civil War, World War I, World War II and Vietnam over the credits.

The film starts out showing how Wolverine and his brother (Really?) Victor (a.k.a Sabertooth) come to work for the governement as part of a secret team of mutants under Commander Stryker.  The team consists of Deadpool (although in the movie not really) played by Ryan Reynolds, Will I. AM (a rapper who can teleport), Charlie from Lost who can read minds, the marine from lost who killed Ben's daughter (his power is being strong and getting fat later on) and some Asian they call Zero who can shoot real good.  All these characters had some great potential for being cool.  Too bad Logan leaves the team on moral grounds and becomes a lumberjack in Canada.  The team ends up getting killed off one by one.

The film progresses and Logan trades his bone claws in for Adamantium (sp?) ones.  So now he's indestructible and on a rampage against the ones who built him (because somehow during the underwater surgery he gained super hearing and heard their plot against him).  Anyway more mutants come along.  Like Gambit who is now Southern instead of Cajun (and pretty useless) a girl who can turn into diamonds and a young Scott Summers (a.k.a Cyclops).  All of these characters are glorified cameos and serve no real purpose.

In short, this film was disappointing.  It had potential, but suffered in the execution.  The most embarassing thing about this movie was the special effects.  At one point Wolverine is trying out his new claws and they look like the singing sword from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit".  So if you're dying to see this movie, catch it in the dollar or on the redbox.  One can only hope that "Star Trek" will be better.

Rating: 8 Cereal Box Toys 

1 comment:

Taylor said...

This movie had so much potential and failed utterly. Deadpool was killed off immediately which was a terrible call. The villain is made up. Wolverine and Sabertooth's relationship was made up. And the special effects were crap to top off a badly written piece of junk. Shame on them for ruining this. Hopefully the redo of this will be better.